Literacy & Education for Adults with Disabilities


Watch to learn more about the LEAD program.


Our Mission

LEAD pairs volunteer tutors with adults with disabilities for one-on-one tutoring and friendship. These inclusive partnerships enhance the educational experience and foster strong community connections by allowing those involved the opportunity to learn about each other’s perspectives.
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Volunteer LEAD


LEAD is more than an academic undertaking. Your active participation in this program will inspire you and open your heart to experiences outside of your own. Many of our former tutors have gone on to have careers in social services, medicine, occupational therapy, teaching, and non-profit work. Join!


“I never expected that LEAD would have such an impact on my life. I’ve met so many wonderful people through this process.”

- LEAD tutor



Inclusion in education enhances learning while contributing to a thriving, compassionate and stronger society. Your donation keeps the LEAD program going and evolving.